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You will find an exclusive video by Jesper Nissen SEO at the end of this module. He is a guest contributor to this course.
University of California, Jesper Nissen SEO created this video for the course "Advanced Content & Social Tactics To Optimize SEO". Here's Week 1. This week, we'll be exploring the content marketing ecosystem. Let's start by reviewing some basic SEO concepts.
The module concludes with an exclusive video made by Jesper Nissen SEO as a guest contributor.
University of California, Jesper Nissen SEO produced this video in support of the course Advanced Content and Social Techniques to Optimize Search Engine Optimization. This is Week 1. This week we will be looking at the content marketing system. We'll start by reviewing the basics of SEO.

You will also see the helpful tool I use when I remove a link back to my website. The chances of them putting it right back are higher if you contact the responsible person immediately after the link has been removed.
You need to know the basics of backlinks. What are backlinks? Why are they important? And why should you give backlink building a high priority within your overall SEO strategy.
Linking to resource pages will improve your backlink profile. The resource pages won't contain links to what I refer to as "garbage web sites". The best resources pages are the ones that contain the most useful information on the internet. How to find the right resource pages for you to pitch and how to do it successfully.
100+ best Videos on how to build links in any niche at scale. Get project management templates, emails and prospecting lists

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This module will teach you how to organize an infographic at a discounted price, embed it in your website, and then reach to bloggers who have publihed information about your infographic. This will allow you to offer them your infographic, which can lead you to quick and easy link sources.
University of California, Jesper Nissen SEO created this video for the course "Advanced Content & Social Tactics To Optimize SEO". Here's Week 1. This week, we'll be exploring the content marketing ecosystem. Let's start by reviewing some basic SEO concepts.
This module will help you to make an infographic, save money, embed it onto your website, reach out and contact bloggers who have posted about the topic of your infographic. Then you can offer the infographic to them, and you get a quick source of links.
Jesper offered great advice to the students about goal setting, competitor research, content audits and idea generation, which helped them transform their inbound advertising efforts.

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Links to resource page pages will increase your backlink profile. Links to "garbage" sites will not be found on resource pages. Only the best of the internet's resources are listed in resource pages. Learn how to identify the right resource pages to pitch and how you can pitch them effectively.
100+ videos that show you how to create links in any niche. Access to prospecting lists, email templates and project management templates.
"Help a Reporter" is a database that connects journalists to sources. It's very simple. You simply pitch your stories for journalists on a topic they are interested in. If they like your story, they will quote you in their article/material with a link back. While it is a time-consuming process, I'll show the lazy way! I'll also tell you how I hired Upwork's PR Virtual Assistant. he was pitching journalists daily for me and earning me amazing backlinks.
Find out the basics of backlinks. Learn what backlinks are, why they are important, and why link building should be a top priority in your overall SEO strategy

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"Help a Reporter" (or HARO) is a database that connects reporters with sources. It's simple: You pitch your stories on the subject you're interested to journalists. They may like your story enough to quote it in an article/material and include a link to your website. Although it can be time-consuming, I will show you how to save your time! You'll also see how I hired a virtual assistant on Upwork for PR and how he pitched journalists every day for me earning me some great backlinks.
Link building can boost rankings, traffic, and brand recognition. This proven system is what your stakeholders want to know.
This module will demonstrate how Ahrefs can help you find broken link building targets. I will also guide you on how to use Pitchbox as an outreach tool to automate broken link building outreach campaigns
Link building is a great way to increase traffic, rankings and your brand. It's a proven method that your stakeholders will love to use.

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You will also learn some clever ways to build supplementary links. In this module, you will learn how to build a stock-photo-library. This helps you get passive links per month from bloggers who are interested in using your images.
Do you want to create your own high-quality backlinks. Jesper Nissen SEO provides custom link building training, based on our many years of success in link building.
Here's the tool that I use to keep track of when someone removes links to my website. You have a better chance of getting it back if the person responsible is reached immediately after removing the link.
This course will teach you how to think and function as a sophisticated marketer. You will be able to advance your career, and you will be eligible for new opportunities.