what is a link building campaign

seo training for entrepreneurs

This course will give you the tools and knowledge to be a better marketer. So that you can grow your career and be qualified for new opportunities.
I will also share the tool I use to track if someone removes a link to my site. If you contact the person responsible right away after they remove the link from your website, there is a higher chance that they will put it back.
100+ best videos covering how to build link in every niche. Get access to project management templates and emails as well as prospecting mailing lists
Don't let your outreach campaign fail! Marketing beginners and even experienced marketers often make mistakes in outreach campaigns. In fact, over the past two years, I've sent thousands of outreach campaigns emails and have learned many lessons. I get more than 100 links building pitches from people every month, and 99% of them have been terrible. You must learn how to be that 1% of brilliance.

University of California, Jesper Nissen SEO made this video as part of their course Advanced Content and social tactics to optimize SEO. We are now in Week 1. This week, we will examine the content-marketing ecosystem. To begin, we will review the basics of SEO.
This module will show you how Ahrefs can be used to identify targets for broken linking. You will also learn how to use Pitchbox, an outreach tool that automates your broken link building outreach campaign.
This course will make you a more skilled marketer by combining a straightforward approach with a variety frameworks. This course will allow you to grow professionally and open up new possibilities.
"Help a Reporter" (or HARO) is a database that connects reporters with sources. It's simple: You pitch your stories on the subject you're interested to journalists. They may like your story enough to quote it in an article/material and include a link to your website. Although it can be time-consuming, I will show you how to save your time! You'll also see how I hired a virtual assistant on Upwork for PR and how he pitched journalists every day for me earning me some great backlinks.

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100+ best videos on building links in every niche. Get project management templates, emails, and prospecting list access
This module will show you how to create an infographic for a lower price, embed it on your website, then reach out to bloggers that have written about your infographic. You can then offer your infographic to them and get you quick and easy links.
Learn all about backlinks. Find out what they are and why they are so important. Also, find out why you should make link building a high priority of your overall SEO strategy.
In this module, you will learn how to create a blog list that includes 10-20/50/100 bloggers. I'll also give them a special badge. Ideal scenario is for valuable bloggers to use the badge on their site to impress their readership. You also earn a link in the badge that links directly to your website. It's a simple and economical way to go, which is great for projects with low budget.

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Jesper offered valuable advice to students regarding goal setting and competitor research.
"Help a Reporter", or HARO, is a database that links journalists and sources. It's easy: you send your stories to journalists about a topic that interests them. They will likely like your story and quote it in their article/material. It's not easy and takes a lot of time, but I'll show how to make it easier! I'll also share how I hired an Upwork PR Virtual Assistant and how he pitched journalists each day for me, earning me some amazing backlinks!
Jesper offered excellent advice to the students on goal setting, persona analysis, content audits. Competitor research was also discussed. This helped them in their inbound marketing transformation.
This module will show you how to identify unlinked mentions. It also explains when it is appropriate and appropriate to ask for a link from your site to be added by the persons responsible. Learn how to set up notifications for these unlinked mentions. It is much more likely that the webmaster will edit your article and add a link back if you contact them as soon as you are mentioned (or within 24hrs).

seo expert training

How can you build high-quality, backlinks for your website? Jesper Nissen SEO offers link building training tailored to your needs based on our decades of link building success.
This module will teach you how to locate unlinked mentions, and when it is appropriate for you to ask the people responsible to add a link on your site. This module will show you how to create alerts for unlinked mentions. You have a better chance of getting a response from the webmaster within 24 hours after they mention you.
Link building can help you improve your website's rankings, traffic, or brand. This is the proven system that your stakeholders want.
This module will teach you how Ahrefs is used to locate targets for broken linkbuilding. I'll also show you how to use Pitchbox outreach tool to automate your broken linking outreach campaign

seo expert training

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Link building helps you increase your rankings, traffic, brand and sales. Proven system that all stakeholders want to see.
This module will teach you how I create a list of 10-20/50/100 bloggers. Then, I'll award them with a badge. This is a great scenario where valuable bloggers can use the badge to impress their readers and you get a link back to your website in the badge. This is a cost-effective and easy way to get started on projects with a small budget.
Are you looking to build your own quality backlinks. Jesper Nissen SEO can provide custom link-building training based off our years of link-building success and expertise.
You will learn how you can research effectively and find blogs you can reach out too. This module will also show you how to either create your own outreach system or use Pitchbox. I also discuss the topic of purchasing backlinks. The topic of paying for backlinks is very controversial. Instead, I'll explain how to purchase links correctly and incorrectly.

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Backlinks: What are they, why are they so important and why should you make link building a priority in your overall SEO strategy?
This module ends with an exclusive video from Jesper Nissen SEO (a guest contributor).
This course is ideal if you are a content marketer or want to gain the high-value skill in link building.
This module will teach you how to organize an infographic at a discounted price, embed it in your website, and then reach to bloggers who have publihed information about your infographic. This will allow you to offer them your infographic, which can lead you to quick and easy link sources.