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In recent years, pre-employment testing is a growing trend. Because of the increasing number of applicants, recruiters and hiring mangers are now more reliant on data-driven talent administration practices to streamline the hiring process. American Management Association (AMA), a survey that looked at pre-employment testing, found that it has seen a steady increase in use over the past fifteen years. According to data from the American Management Association (AMA),:

Safety assessments are another type of risk assessment. Safety assessments are used to assess candidates' attitudes toward safety and risk-taking behaviors. These types of assessments can be used to help companies reduce accidents and high costs. Safety assessments are also a way to encourage a "safety culture", where people contribute to a safe environment.

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Integrity tests can be used as a risk management tool in these cases. They are used to determine which applicants have a higher likelihood of engaging these behaviors based upon their personality profiles and responses. Background checks are used by employers in order to minimize risk. However background checks can be costly and may only be performed on people with a history of criminal activity. Integrity tests will, however, help reduce risk in relation to unproductive behavior that are not as serious or as serious as felonies. Employers can save time and money by using integrity testing early in the hiring process. They can also screen out candidates who might be a threat to their organization.

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These tests are more for general skills and not to indicate a person’s current level of key job-related competencies.

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Skills tests are used to measure job-related competences. Broad skills like math, communication and verbal abilities, as well as narrow skills like typing and computer skills. These skills are those candidates have acquired through their educations and career history. However, they do not necessarily reflect basic ability. Instead, these skills reflect acquired knowledge. This is what the applicant knows based on past experience.

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pre-employment testing objective

Figure 3: American Management Association (AMA), a survey that found 70% of employers employ some form of job skill testing. 46% use personality or psychological tests to screen potential applicants and current employees. 41% test applicants for basic math and literacy skills.

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Pre-employment testing can be very effective if you use several types of tests. It's common to test personality and aptitude, or skills and personality. Employers can assess multiple aspects of a candidate by using more than one test. This allows them to make better hiring decisions and provides more reliable, objective data.